Title: Riding Freedom
Author: Pam Munoz Ryan
Illustrated by: Brian Selzuick
Genre: Historical Fiction (Chapter Book)
Riding Freedom is based on the true story of Charlotte Darkey Parkhurst. The book begins with a tragic event in which Charlotte's parents die in a wagon crash, however, Charlotte miraculously survives. At age two, Charlotte is taken to an orphanage where her dominating owner, Mr.Milkshark, controls her. While at the orphanage, Charlotte takes a liking to the horses. All the horses adore and love Charlotte and were like family to her. Unfortunately, one day Mr. Milkshark forbids Charlotte from seeing or working with the horses. This event devastates Charlotte, which causes her to come up with a plan to run away so that she will have the opportunity to the live the life she had always dreamed of. With the help of Vern and Hayward, Charlotte disguises herself as a boy and successfully runs away. Charlotte continues to disguise herself as a boy and renames herself "Charley" in order to survive the hard times where women were not respected. Throughout the remainder of the book she faces challenges with strength and determination and does not allow any obstacles to get in her way of achieving her dreams. In the end, it is her special talent with horses as well as the help of a few kind people that helps her to accomplish the goals and dreams she had set for herself when she was a young girl.
Classroom Connection
This book has many themes and connections that could be used in a classroom. First of all, the book is based on a true story, so it might be neat to have students research the life of Charlotte Darkey Parkhurst and compare her actual life to what happened in the book. This book could also be connected to a Social Studies or History lesson. It would be beneficial for students to learn about the mid 1800's to see what life was actually like duirng this time in America. Another connection to history would be to research the role of women during thie mid-1800s. It would be interesting to see what rights women had during this period of time. This could possibly lead into a discussion about Women's right to vote, which was a very important event in the history of the United States. Lastly, this book could be used to inspire students to have determination and to never give up on their dreams in life.